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CipherLab 5000/5100 Data Terminal


Network up to 255 stations using 100BASE-T Ethernet, RS-232, and RS-485 ports (wireless available)
1 to 8MB data memory with backup battery and Backlit, graphics display (for 5100 only)
Up to 4 digital inputs and 4 digital outputs for flexible I/O
Battery operated in case of AC power interruption and programmable validation table checks IDs
Able to display name or employee number instead of card ID during card swiping
OCX component supports TCP/IP, RS-232, and modem communications
Setup, validation table download, and data collection software


Eliminate data errors and gain more control over your workforce resources. The 5000/5100 terminals let you easily connect to your servers using Ethernet and RS-485 to strategically locate terminals where they matter most. Network up to 255 terminals to closely manage employee activities and access to secure buildings and areas. Instantly update employee and access control data in the terminals at any time with the powerful, versatile 5000/5100 terminals.


Network up to 255 stations using 100BASE-T Ethernet, RS-232, and RS-485 ports (wireless available)
1 to 8MB data memory with backup battery and Backlit, graphics display (for 5100 only)
Up to 4 digital inputs and 4 digital outputs for flexible I/O
Battery operated in case of AC power interruption and programmable validation table checks IDs
Able to display name or employee number instead of card ID during card swiping
OCX component supports TCP/IP, RS-232, and modem communications
Setup, validation table download, and data collection software

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